Current Family Resources and our Staff Directory


All of our staff can be reached at school at 773-239-7635 or by email at:

Mrs. Karen Quiroz, Interim Head of School, Southwest Room Directress –

Mrs. Rachael Hernandez, Business Manager –

Mrs. Linda Bailey, Academic Advisor –

Mrs. Sally Noonan, Literacy Support Consultant –

Dr. Anne Butler, Student Support Consultant —

Ms. Jennifer O’Malley, East Room Directress –

Mrs. Allison Potter, Fireplace Room Full-Day Directress –

Ms. Nancy Schwartz, Southwest Room Directress (afternoons) –


Transparent Classroom

Our teachers use Transparent Classroom, an online record-keeping system to track each student’s progress. Each parent has their own parent page. To sign in to your transparent classroom account please click here.

 Whoever touches the life of the child touches
the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the
most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future.
—Maria Montessori